Bunny is a Honey!

Bunny Colby of Twisted Passions Tells All
In this exclusive interview Bunny Colby tells Holly Kingstown of Fleshbot.com what she loved about her scene in Twisted Passions 26. Bunny reveals what it was like to work with director Dan O’Connell and scene partner Aali Kali, plus what she thought of the Girlfriends Films ‘shoot house’ and more!

Read the full interview here:
Five Reasons Why I Loved Starring in Twisted Passions by Bunny Colby
And be sure to catch Bunny Colby in Twisted Passions 26 from Girlfriends Films 💕

For more information please visit:
Girlfriends Films: http://www.girlfriendsfilmsnews.com/
Girlfriends Films Distribution: http://www.GirlfriendsFilms.net
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